Tariq (Yunus Cumartpay), an unassuming Iraqi student, has gathered four men around him. They do not realise that he is planning a terrorist attack and wants to blow up a crowded underground train with bombs. Marc (Aurel von Arx), his fellow student, is a walkover for the Iraqi who became a fanatic through war propaganda. The German has family problems and has converted to Islam. He is hoping to find that much yearned for stability through his religious brother. Totally unaware, Mesut (Erkan Gündüz) slides into the attackers’ world. Through the financial aid of his supposed friend, the Turkish taxi driver ends up in a precarious situation. To even out the debts, Tariq demands a very high price. The Bosnian, Sarajevo (Kasem Hoxha), ends up with the terror group only through coincidence. Traumatised by his experiences of the war, he has nothing to lose and is prepared to do anything. Levent, a second Turk, makes contact to Tariq and his people through his fellow countryman, Mesut. He leaves no doubt as to his unconditional loyalty. With his clever manner, he manages to keep a fatal secret for a long time.

Whilst Tariq and his men are preparing the attack in the back room, they are totally unaware that the police are already long on their trail. A spiral of blind, pointless violence ensues when events turnaround. A merciless race against time begins…


Yunus Cumartpay, Erkan Gündüz, Atilla Oener, Kasem Hoxha, Aurel von Arx, Yvonne Burbach, Jim Boeven, Holger Stolz, Henning Heup, Miriam Lange a.o.



Director: Bijan Benjamin

Script: Bijan Benjamin, Yunus Cumartpay

Cinemathography: Yan B. Peter

Production: Hans W. Geißendörfer (GFF)

Co-Production: Straightfilms